Tuesday, May 13, 2008

TeDDy DeLL In Person

Assalamualaikum & Greetings...


Since my age getting older, I have to know that too much things that I must bring forward to make them archive as myself as a beginner. Soon or later I have to get what I want, and for sure I have to share all the things especially with my son.

Looking distance make me no worries with all my way such a beautiful day dream. Complete my study and do my work is the greatest way to make a first move as a manager or CEO one day. Sharing is the better way to get knowledgeable and do some network in the community. It can build-up my motivate, spiritual, two way communication, exchange ideas, trust and etc.

My pleasures is always yours... this words I always practice to make someone happy with who have done to them. I know I'm not perfect, so I help people to make their life just to be a look a like perfect.

Last but not least, ordinary people have to be extra ordinary people need to do things are valuable, creative thinking and also brave to take the risk. Once we have done, don't feel guilty but it is the responsible that you have made at that time. Just be myself and always i remember that. Don't throw it away because it is my history.

Simple & Present,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to blogspot.. :)
rajin2 la update ok?